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  • To register for an MCAT® course, contact us at

Registration Fee: $1,649

Save $1050 when enrolling through VCU! (Regular retail price: $2,699)

Prep courses are also available for the Dental Admission Test (DAT).

Choose a schedule that works for you!

Please click the button below to view MCAT Prep Live Online Course Schedules from our educational partner’s website. Once you have chosen the MCAT® course dates that best suit your schedule, please contact us directly at with your chosen dates/times; we will then email you a registration link to enroll with the discounted pricing.

In order to be successful in the course, it is highly recommended to select a prep course that is a minimum of two weeks from the start date. This will allow you time to complete pre-work and diagnostic practice tests, as well as, provide a delivery time for your books to arrive.

Course Schedules

Through our education partner, Kaplan Test Prep, students can enroll in live online courses to prep for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). A live online course gives you access to an all-star team of Kaplan Test Prep's instructors from across the country with an interactive classroom and instant one-on-one help with your questions.

Students enjoy the support of sessions taught by an engaging, score qualified MCAT instructor, plus experience live instruction from our highest-rated MCAT experts via the MCAT Channel.

The MCAT Channel is a revolutionary new way to prep for MCAT. The channel is designed to give each student unlimited access to Kaplan Test Prep's top-rated MCAT faculty for live, elective instruction six days a week. Instead of sitting through hours of one-size-fits-all content or strategy review, you’ll selectively join the Channel episodes that target your greatest areas of opportunity, so you can gain more points on test day.

The MCAT® prep course includes:

MCAT Prep is offered through our educational partner, Kaplan Test Prep.

Some VCU Continuing and Professional Education offerings are ineligible for waiver use due to partnership agreements. The following text will appear on the registration page: “*exempt—this offering is ineligible for waiver use.” 

Want to find out more? Get in touch.