Professional background
For more than 28 years, I have served VCU in an administrative capacity beginning in Continuing Education in the School of Education, which shifted to an entrepreneurial unit, SOE Associates, and then the Center for Professional Growth before the office was merged with Continuing Studies and placed under the Office of the Provost as the Office of Continuing and Professional Education. VCU Online merged with the Office of Continuing and Professional Education in 2021, so I now serve the larger unit in all things human resources as well as managing operational processes.
Professional Affiliations
- Association for Continuing Higher Education (ACHE)
- College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR)
- Learning Resources Network (LERN)
- University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA)
- B.S. in Business Administration (concentration in management, minor in accounting), Christopher Newport University, 1992
Favorite course of all time
My favorite course of all time is Beginning Obedience Training which I took with my beautiful yellow Labrador retriever, Tanner. It was chaotic fun with a bunch of students who were just happy to be in the presence of the other students!